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29 August 1999

DOD Information Security: Serious Weaknesses Continue To Place Defense
Operations at Risk (Letter Report, 08/26/1999, GAO/AIMD-99-107).

GAO updated its previous report on the security of the Department of
Defense's (DOD) information systems, focusing on DOD's efforts to: (1)
address specific weaknesses identified in GAO's 1996 reports; and (2)
develop a comprehensive departmentwide information security program.

GAO noted that: (1) serious weaknesses in DOD information security
continue to provide both hackers and hundreds of thousands of authorized
users the opportunity to modify, steal, inappropriately disclose, and
destroy sensitive DOD data; (2) these weaknesses impair DOD's ability
to: (a) control physical and electronic access to its systems and data;
(b) ensure that software running on its systems is properly authorized,
tested, and functioning as intended; (c) limit employees' ability to
perform incompatible functions; and (d) resume operations in the event
of a disaster; (3) as a result, numerous DOD functions, including
weapons and supercomputer research, logistics, finance, procurement,
personnel management, military health, and payroll, have already been
adversely affected by system attacks or fraud; (4) GAO's review found
that some corrective actions have been initiated in response to the
recommendations GAO's 1996 reports made to address pervasive information
security weaknesses in DOD; (5) however, progress in correcting the
specific control weaknesses identified during GAO's previous reviews has
been inconsistent across the various DOD components involved and
weaknesses persist in every area of general controls; (6) accordingly,
GAO reaffirms the recommendations made in its 1996 reports; (7) the DOD
component activities GAO evaluated generally did not have effective
processes for identifying and resolving information security weaknesses;
(8) however, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) which
operates the Defense Megacenters (DMC), has established and is
implementing a comprehensive security review process; (9) DISA developed
Standard Technical Implementation Guides (STIG), which prescribe clear
and detailed standards for configuring its systems software; (10) also,
DISA's Security Readiness Review process enables it to test DMC
compliance with the STIGs and other DISA security standards, track the
weaknesses identified by the testing, and monitor and report on efforts
to correct them; (11) DOD announced in January 1998 its plans for a
Defense-wide Information Assurance Program (DIAP) under the jurisdiction
of the DOD Chief Information Officer to provide a comprehensive,
departmentwide information security program; and (12) in December 1998,
DOD also implemented the Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense,
which DOD expects will support the DIAP by monitoring DOD's computer
networks and defending against hacker attacks and other unauthorized

--------------------------- Indexing Terms -----------------------------

     TITLE:  DOD Information Security: Serious Weaknesses Continue To
	     Place Defense Operations at Risk
      DATE:  08/26/1999
   SUBJECT:  Information resources management
	     Computer crimes
	     Computer security
	     Confidential communication
	     Internal controls
	     Information systems
	     Data integrity
	     Computer software
	     Computer software verification and validation
IDENTIFIER:  Military Retirement Trust Fund
	     DOD Defense Information Assurance Program

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ai99107 GAO United States General Accounting Office

Report to the Secretary of Defense


Serious Weaknesses Continue to Place Defense Operations at Risk



Page 1 GAO/AIMD-99-107 DOD Information Security United States
General Accounting Office

Washington, D. C. 20548 Accounting and Information Management

B-282190 Letter August 26, 1999 The Honorable William S. Cohen The
Secretary of Defense

Dear Mr. Secretary: The Department of Defense (DOD) relies on a
vast and complex information infrastructure to support critical
operations such as designing weapons, identifying and tracking
enemy targets, paying soldiers, mobilizing reservists, and
managing supplies. Indeed, its warfighting capability depends upon
computer- based telecommunications networks and information
systems. In recent years, numerous internal and external
evaluations have identified weaknesses in information security
that could seriously jeopardize DOD's operations and compromise the
confidentiality, integrity, or availability of sensitive
information. This report summarizes the results of our latest
review of information security at DOD. In May 1996, we reported
that external attacks on DOD computer systems were a serious and
growing threat.1 According to DOD officials, attackers had
stolen, modified, and destroyed both data and software. They had
installed "back doors" that circumvented normal system protection
and allowed attackers unauthorized future access. They had shut
down and crashed entire systems and networks.

In September 1996, we issued a report, based on detailed analyses
and testing of general computer controls, that identified
pervasive vulnerabilities in DOD information systems.2 We had
found that authorized users could also exploit the same
vulnerabilities that made external attacks possible to commit
fraud or other improper or malicious acts. In fact,

// 1 Information Security: Computer Attacks at Department of Defense
Pose Increasing Risks (GAO/AIMD-96-84, May 22, 1996). 

// 2 General computer controls are the policies and procedures that affect the
overall security and effectiveness of computer systems and
operations, as opposed to being unique to any specific computer
program, office, or operation. General controls include the
organizational structure, operating procedures, software security
features, and physical protection designed to ensure that (1)
access to computer systems and sensitive data is restricted to
prevent unauthorized changes and disclosure, (2) only approved 
changes are made to computer programs, (3) back-up and recovery 
plans are adequate to continue essential operations in the event of 
an emergency, and (4) computer staff duties are properly segregated 
to reduce the risk of undetected errors or fraud.

knowledgeable insiders with malicious intentions could pose a more
serious threat than outsiders since they may be more aware of
system weaknesses and how to disguise inappropriate actions. Our
report highlighted the lack of a comprehensive information
security program and made numerous recommendations for corrective 
actions.3 Subsequent reviews of individual systems also have 
disclosed serious weaknesses in information security. For example, 
we reported in 1997 that our review of the actuarial application 
supporting DOD's Military Retirement Trust Fund disclosed a lack 
of overall security administration and management governing access 
to Fund data files and other files storing sensitive information, 
such as social security numbers, pay rates, child and spousal abuse 
allegations, and medical test results.4 In another example, two 
cases in which employees embezzled nearly $1 million led to our 
1998 review of Air Force's vendor payment system. We identified a 
number of internal control weaknesses, including information security
weaknesses, which leave the Air Force vulnerable to similar

//3 This report was designated Limited Official Use because of the
sensitive information it contained. 

// 4 Financial Management: Review of the Military Retirement Trust Fund's 
Actuarial Model and Related Computer Controls (GAO/AIMD-97-128, 
September 9, 1997). 

// 5 Financial Management: Improvements Needed in Air Force Vendor
Payment Systems and Controls (GAO/AIMD-98-274, September 28,

Tests conducted by the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the summer of
1997 demonstrated the continuing vulnerability of DOD and civilian
networks to attack. Since then, DOD has acknowledged that it has
continued to identify organized intrusions, indicating that such
activities are an ongoing problem. Because of the risks that 
inadequate information security poses to DOD operations and the 
integrity of its data, we followed up on our previous reviews of 
DOD's general computer controls.6 Our objective was to provide an 
update on the status of corrective actions DOD has taken to (1) 
address specific weaknesses identified in our 1996 reports, in 
particular the September 1996 report and (2) develop a comprehensive
departmentwide information security program.

// 6 Information Security: Computer Attacks at Department of Defense
Pose Increasing Risks (GAO/AIMD-96-84, May 22, 1996) and the
September 1996 Limited Official Use report.

Results in Brief 

Serious weaknesses in DOD information security continue to provide 
both hackers and hundreds of thousands of authorized users the 
opportunity to modify, steal, inappropriately disclose, and destroy 
sensitive DOD data. These weaknesses impair DOD's ability to (1) 
control physical and electronic access to its systems and data, (2) 
ensure that software running on its systems is properly authorized,
tested, and functioning as intended, (3) limit employees' ability
to perform incompatible functions, and (4) resume operations in
the event of a disaster. As a result, numerous Defense functions,
including weapons and supercomputer research, logistics, finance,
procurement, personnel management, military health, and payroll,
have already been adversely affected by system attacks or fraud.

Our current review found that some corrective actions have been
initiated in response to the recommendations our 1996 reports made
to address pervasive information security weaknesses in DOD.
However, progress in correcting the specific control weaknesses
identified during our previous reviews has been inconsistent across 
the various DOD components involved and weaknesses persist in every 
area of general controls. Accordingly, we reaffirm the recommendations 
made in our 1996 reports.

The status of DOD actions to implement those recommendations is
discussed later in this report. The DOD component activities we
evaluated generally did not have effective processes for
identifying and resolving information security weaknesses.
However, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA),7 which
operates the Defense Megacenters (DMC), has established and is
implementing a comprehensive security review process. DISA
developed Standard Technical Implementation Guides (STIG), which 
prescribe clear and detailed standards for configuring its system 
software.8 Also, DISA's Security Readiness Review (SRR) process 
enables it to test DMC compliance with the STIGs and other DISA 
security standards, track the weaknesses identified by the testing, 
and monitor and report on efforts to correct them. Thus far, DISA 
has identified and resolved thousands of security weaknesses. At 
the end of our review, however, DISA was still developing guidance 
for configuring some of its system software and had not yet reviewed
security over all of its systems. Moreover, some ongoing weaknesses 
were improperly reported as having been corrected because DISA has 
not always independently verified in a timely manner the corrective 
actions reported by its DMCs.

// 7 DISA is a major provider of telecommunications and
computing services, supporting the military services and other
Defense agencies on a fee-for-service basis. The Defense
Services and other Defense agencies, however, continue to perform
some data processing outside of the DMCs in data processing
centers that are not subject to DISA's security review process. 

// 8 System software includes operating systems, utility software,
program library systems, file maintenance software, security
software, data communications systems, and database management
systems. One set of system software may be used to support and
control a number of user applications.

To provide a comprehensive, departmentwide information security
program, which our September 1996 report recommended, DOD
announced in January 1998 its plans for a Defense- wide
Information Assurance Program (DIAP)9 under the jurisdiction of
the DOD Chief Information Officer (CIO). In February 1999, DOD's
CIO finalized the Implementation Plan for the DIAP that outlines
organizational structure and responsibilities. The program is
still being staffed; DIAP staff will be responsible for creating a
DIAP concept of operations to address the program's operational
structure and processes.

// 9 DOD defines information assurance as information operations that
protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring
their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality,
and nonrepudiation. This includes capabilities to protect against,
detect, and react to attacks.

In December 1998, DOD also implemented the Joint Task Force for
Computer Network Defense, which DOD expects will support the DIAP
by monitoring DOD's computer networks and defending against hacker
attacks and other unauthorized access. DISA's security oversight
program and other models for information security management offer
approaches that DOD could adapt and integrate into its
departmentwide program to address threats to information security
not covered by the Joint Task Force. Because DIAP and task force
efforts are at an early stage of development, their ultimate
effectiveness cannot yet be assessed.

In order that the full potential of DISA's security oversight
program, the DIAP, and other DOD IA initiatives can be realized,
we are recommending that (1) the SRR process be expanded to
include timely and independent verification of the corrective
actions reported by DMCs and (2) the DIAP define how its efforts 
will be coordinated with the Joint Task Force and other related 

In commenting on a draft of this report, DOD officials stated that
they generally concurred with the report and its recommendations.
They said that this report adds credence to efforts to heighten
awareness within the DOD community of the serious risks that
accompany poor security practices in information systems. They
noted that DOD is actively working to correct the deficiencies
cited in the report and they believe it is making progress in
reducing the risks to its information systems.


The DOD information processing environment is large, complex, and 
decentralized. DOD has over 2.1 million computers, over 10,000 
local area networks, and over 100 long- distance networks. Its 
tens of thousands of automated information systems run on a variety
of systems, including mainframe, mid-tier, client-server, and
personal computer-based systems.

Security over these systems involves a number of functional areas.
These include groups and individuals who use and own these
systems, application developers, data center personnel (such as
systems programmers, computer operators, and security managers),
and others who come in contact with computer resources or data.

The owners of application systems and data are those organizations
or individuals responsible for specifying the level of security
required for their operations and supporting information systems,
determining who is given access to their computer applications,
prioritizing critical application programs to be covered by
disaster recovery plans, and protecting their own system passwords
and equipment. Application developers are responsible for managing
software application program changes, ensuring the integrity of
the application, and designing security controls within these
applications consistent with owner requirements. Data center
personnel are responsible for computer operations, system software
configuration and change management, controls over access to data 
and programs at the system level, and some aspects of disaster 
recovery. Managers of the facilities in which these activities take
place are generally responsible to some extent for physical and
environmental security.

In DOD, responsibility for the security of an individual
application, such as a payroll system or weapon system, and its
related data, is typically shared by several organizations. Any
DOD component may be the owner or user of an application.
Application development may be done in- house by the user's
organization or by a central design activity (CDA) on a 
fee-for-service basis. All of the military services and many 
of the Defense agencies, including the Defense Finance and 
Accounting Service (DFAS) and the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA), 
have CDA components. DISA, through its DMCs, is a major provider 
of data processing services for DOD. However, data processing 
services may be provided by the military services and other
DOD components or by a non-DOD service provider. Any of these DOD
components may be a tenant on an installation owned or managed by
another DOD component or government agency. In DISA's case, for
example, each DMC shares the responsibility for physical security
with the host activity of the installation on which it is located.

In DOD, not all responsibilities are clearly assigned, however.
For example, while the data center is responsible for the security
of the system software and the developer for application security,
neither has explicit responsibility for the security and integrity
of the interfaces between operating systems and applications.

Objectives, Scope, and Methodology

To determine the extent to which specific information security
weaknesses identified in our September 1996 report had been
corrected, we tested the effectiveness of corrective actions
taken. Our testing was carried out in four DMCs, three CDAs, and
two customer (i. e., end- user) activities.10 Our original review
was an assessment of general computer controls, which affect the
overall security and effectiveness of an organization's computer
systems and operations rather than being unique to a particular
computer program, office, or operation. Our tests of corrective
actions were limited to those areas in which we had previously 
documented specific weaknesses. We did not test controls that we 
had previously found to be operating effectively. Our audit 
program was based on our Federal Information System Controls 
Audit Manual.11

//10 We are not identifying the specific activities and installations
in which our testing was conducted because of the sensitive nature 
of our findings. These were generally the same activities in which 
our original testing was conducted, although due to organizational 
changes, the unit responsible for a particular computer control had 
in some cases changed. 

//11 GAO/AIMD-12.19.6, January 1999.

We also evaluated DISA's processes for overseeing security in the
DMCs. We compared the scope and content of their Security
Technical Implementation Guides (STIG) for system software with
each other and with external guidance. We documented their Security
Readiness Review (SRR) process and its history, assessed the security 
of the SRR database, and quantified the results of SRRs performed to
date. We also gathered evidence about the reliability of the SRR 
database by testing selected controls that were reported as SRR 
findings and subsequently reported as fixed.

For assistance in testing corrective actions and evaluating DISA's
processes for overseeing security, we contracted with
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. We determined the scope of the
contractor's audit work, monitored its progress, and reviewed the
related workpapers to ensure that the resulting findings were
adequately supported.

To determine the extent to which DOD had developed and implemented
a departmentwide information security program, we examined the
management and the implementation plans for the Defense- wide
Information Assurance Program and monitored Defense's progress
through the end of our fieldwork. We also received briefings on
the new Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense and
interviewed DOD officials to learn about departmentwide initiatives
related to our recommendations. At each test location, we briefed 
management on the results of our fieldwork at that location. We also
briefed DOD officials on the results of our fieldwork at all 
locations. We requested comments on a draft of this report from 
the Secretary of Defense or his designee. On July 16, officials
of the Infrastructure and Information Assurance Directorate of the
Office of the Secretary of Defense provided us with oral comments
that are discussed in the Agency Comments and Our Evaluation
section of our report. Our work was performed from October 1997
through February 1999 in accordance with generally accepted
government auditing standards.

Limited Progress in Correcting General Control Weaknesses

Our 1996 reports identified pervasive information security
weaknesses in DOD and made recommendations for correcting them.
While some corrective actions had been initiated to address our
recommendations, our current review found that weaknesses
persisted in every area of general controls.

Among the DOD components evaluated, only DISA had begun to
establish a comprehensive process to identify and resolve
information security weaknesses. DISA was issuing technical
guidance to establish minimum standards for configuring system 
software and was implementing systematic entitywide inspections 
to monitor the effectiveness of computer controls. As a result, 
DISA had identified and resolved thousands of control weaknesses.

Control Weaknesses Persist 

In our current review we found that significant DOD information 
security weaknesses in general computer controls persisted for all 
the components evaluated, including DISA. The following sections 
give examples illustrating the types of weaknesses we found in 
access controls, application software development and change 
controls, segregation of duties, system software controls, and 
service continuity controls.

Access Controls 

Access controls limit or detect inappropriate access to computer 
data, programs, facilities, and equipment to protect these resources
against unauthorized modification, disclosure, loss, or impairment.
Access controls include physical protections, such as gates and 
guards, and logical controls, which are built into software to 
authenticate users (through passwords or other means) and to 
restrict their access to certain data, programs, transactions, or 
commands. DOD policy states that access to automated information 
systems should be restricted based on one's need-to-know.

We found, however, that users were granted access to computer
resources that exceeded what they required to carry out their job
responsibilities, including sensitive system privileges for which
they had no need. On one system, systems support personnel had the
ability to change data in the system audit log. On three systems,
we tested the accounts of 12 users having access to a command that
would allow them to substitute an unauthorized data file for a
legitimate file. Seven out of 12 did not have a need to use this
command. We also found user accounts that had certain privileges
including sensitive security administration privileges for which
no evidence of authorization was available. Access authorization
was poorly documented or undocumented for users at every site;
management estimated that on one system more than 20,000 users
were not authorized in writing.

Periodic review of user access privileges and monitoring of
security violations and the use of powerful commands, utilities,
and changes to sensitive files and records (such as user access
profiles) are essential to preventing and detecting unauthorized
activity. However, we found at every location we visited that
there was inadequate periodic review of user access privileges to
ensure that those privileges continued to be appropriate. Also,
while the logging of security violations and access to
sensitive resources had improved, these audit logs were not being
consistently reviewed. Similarly, we found that data processing
customers were not updating users' access levels to reflect
changes in their access requirements or to cancel the access of 
terminated employees. 

Password management, though improved, was still weak in some
areas. Users were not required to change their passwords often
enough and in some cases were never required to change their
passwords. Users were not prevented from using easily guessed 
passwords. These practices increase the risk that passwords will 
be guessed and systems will be compromised. User accountability 
was also weakened by the use of generic (group) user accounts, 
wherein a single account is used by two or more users, contrary 
to DISA standards. In the case of one generic user account having
system privileges, not only was the password known to multiple 
users, but it was neither encrypted in the system nor required 
to be changed periodically.

Application Software Development and Change Controls

Application software development and change controls prevent
unauthorized programs or modifications to programs from being
implemented to ensure that the software functions as intended.
Program change control policies and procedures include review and
approval of application change requests, independent review and
testing of program changes, documentation of program changes, and
formal authorization to implement those changes, along with the
access controls necessary to ensure that these objectives are met.
We found that structured methodologies for designing, developing, and
maintaining applications were inadequate or nonexistent. There was
no requirement for users to document the planning and review of
application changes and to test them to ensure that the system
functioned as intended. Also, application programs were not
adequately documented with a full description of the purpose and
function of each module, which increases the risk that a developer
making program changes will unknowingly subvert new or existing 
application controls. One fundamental technique of program change 
control is the use of two or more computer processing environments
to segregate the test and development versions of application 
programs and data from the production resources (those versions 
approved and currently being used by the data processing customer).
We found that application programmers, users, and computer 
operators had direct access to production resources,
increasing the risk that unauthorized changes to production
programs and data could be made and not detected. On one system,
74 user accounts had privileges enabling them to change program
code without supervisory review and approval. This number had
increased from the 37 users that we had documented in our earlier
review. According to management, only four people should have this 
authority. On another system, nearly 300 programmers could alter 
production programs and data.

Segregation of Duties 

Segregation of duties refers to the policies, procedures, and 
organizational structure that help to ensure that one individual 
cannot independently control all key aspects of a process or 
computer-related operation and thereby conduct unauthorized 
actions without detection. As an example, a computer programmer 
should not be allowed to independently write, test, and approve 
program changes. In the information processing environment, the 
duties and access capabilities of systems programmers, application
programmers, security administrators, and end-users, for example, 
should generally be segregated from one another. Duties in the DOD
computing environment were not adequately segregated. We found that 
personnel were still assigned both systems programming and security
administration duties. These individuals could make unauthorized 
changes to programs and data while using their security privileges
to disable the system's capability to create an audit trail of 
those changes. Thus they could, for example, modify payroll records
or shipping records to generate unauthorized payments or to 
misdirect inventory shipments and suppress the related system audit
data to avoid detection.

System Software 

System software controls limit and monitor access to the powerful 
programs and sensitive files associated with the computer systems 
operation. System software helps control and coordinate the input, 
processing, output, and data storage associated with all of the 
applications that run on the system. Some system software can 
change data and program code without creating an audit trail or 
can be used to modify or delete audit trails.

Improperly configured or poorly maintained system software can be
exploited to circumvent security controls to read, modify, or
delete critical or sensitive data or programs. It can also be used
to gain privileges to conduct unauthorized transactions or to 
circumvent edits or other controls built into application programs.
For these reasons, system software vulnerabilities are a common 
target of hackers, both internal and external to the entity. As a 
result, most entities have a separate set of procedures for 
controlling system software. We found end-users had been given 
unnecessary (and in some cases unauthorized) access to system 
functions, tools, and data. For example, users could read system 
data files containing information useful to hackers. On four systems,
users could view other users' output, which could include sensitive
or confidential information. On one system, end-users had the 
capability to issue commands that would allow them to disrupt all 
processing on that system. As with other groups of users, the 
activities and access privileges of users with sensitive system 
privileges were not adequately monitored.

We also found system software maintenance issues which create
security exposures. For example, we found system libraries for
privileged programs (i. e., programs that are allowed to perform
powerful system functions) that contained the names of nonexistent
programs. By creating a new program with the same name as one of
these nonexistent members, a user could install malicious code
with the authority to make changes to the operating system, the
security software, and user programs or data and to delete audit
logs. We found that one site was running a proprietary mainframe
operating system and other system software products that were
no longer supported by the vendor. Management informed us that
such software was needed to support application programs that had
not yet been upgraded to run on a current version of the operating
system. This site was also running programs that were
undocumented. These practices increase the risk that security
vulnerabilities or other problems will not be detected
or corrected. 

Service Continuity Controls 

Service continuity controls ensure that when unexpected events 
occur, critical operations continue without undue interruption and 
critical and sensitive data are protected. A well-documented plan 
for disaster recovery and continuity of operations, based upon an 
up-to-date risk analysis and periodic testing, is critical to 
ensure that an organization can continue to fulfill its mission 
while responding to natural disasters, accidents, or other major 
and minor interruptions in data processing.

We found mission-related applications and the activities they
support that are at risk because of inadequate planning for
service continuity. Although DISA recommends nightly back-up of
high-activity application data files, some information processing
customers did not require that their application data be backed up
frequently enough to ensure effective mission support after a 
service disruption. This increases the risk that some data cannot 
be restored, particularly as temporary data files may not exist at 
the time the full system back-up is done, which is typically once 
a week. Also, although DISA requires that back-up tapes be stored 
at least 25 miles, and preferably 100 miles, from the processing 
site, we noted that one DMC was storing back- up tapes only 14 
miles from the data center without having obtained a waiver from 
DISA. This increases the risk that both the back-up tapes and the 
data center could be affected by the same emergency. We found that 
disaster recovery plans were incomplete and did not specify the 
order in which the customer's applications (or the programs within 
a particular application) should be restored. This increases the 
risk that relatively trivial functions may be restored before those 
that are most critical to the user's mission. One plan assumed the
availability of hardware which was not on-site and was still in 
the procurement process.

Many DISA customers had not tested their recovery procedures or
had not tested them under the conditions likely to prevail in the
event of a disaster. These weaknesses increase the risk that the
organization may fail in its mission or incur unnecessary expense
as the result of a prolonged service interruption.

Progress in Addressing Security Weaknesses Varied Among DOD

Although each of the activities we evaluated had made some
progress in addressing the individual weaknesses identified in our
1996 report, only DISA was implementing a comprehensive process
for identifying, tracking, and resolving weaknesses within its
jurisdiction. While implementation of this process was not yet
complete, DISA had already identified and resolved thousands of
specific control weaknesses.

In 1994, DISA created a task force to assess the security posture
of its DMCs. This task force created an inspection checklist and a
database to capture, track, and analyze its findings. The task
force conducted system reviews and physical/ environmental
reviews, which have evolved into DISA's Security Readiness Review 
(SRR) process. DISA has steadily increased the number of security 
reviews performed. By the end of November 1998, DISA had completed
542 SRRs, generated a total of 14, 860 findings, and reported that
11,418 of these findings had been corrected.

As DISA began implementing its SRR process, it also began drafting
detailed technical guidance for individual systems, known as
Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIG), which specify minimum
standards for managing system software security. STIGs cover
topics such as organizational relationships and responsibilities
and the management processes and technical requirements needed to
ensure hardware integrity, system software integrity, and data-
level integrity. They define the requirements for interfacing the 
various components of system software and include such details as 
specific configuration options to be used, password management, 
testing requirements, and permissible levels of access to system 
resources. Most importantly, all DMC systems are subject
to SRRs and DMC management is accountable for the findings
generated. DISA officials and staff report that correcting SRR
deficiencies is given a high priority because the status of SRR
findings is a part of each DMC director's or commander's readiness

DISA has published STIGs for most of its systems and expects to
have performed SRRs of all its systems before the end of 1999.
Additional action, however, is needed to improve DISA's oversight
of information security. For example, while the DISA inspector
will generally verify any corrective action taken while he or she
is still on-site, subsequent corrective actions
are reported in the SRR database as having adequately addressed
deficiencies even though the actions may not be verified until the
next regularly scheduled inspection, which may be 15 to 36 months
later. We found that this practice has resulted in some
inaccuracies. We tested 55 deficiencies that were accepted as fixed
in the SRR database and determined that about one-fourth had not 
been corrected. For example, several DMCs had reported that their
system software configuration options had been changed to conform 
to DISA requirements, and the SRR database had been updated 
accordingly. However, our testing showed that the options in 
question were not in compliance with DISA standards. We did not 
attempt to determine whether these inconsistencies were the result
of oversights, misrepresentations, or other factors. DISA officials
agreed that more timely, independent verification of corrective actions
is desirable and reported that they were exploring ways to address
this issue.

Other DOD components had not made similar progress in instituting
an effective oversight process. The modest improvements that these
components had made were the result of individual and isolated
command or unit actions rather than comprehensive service, agency,
or department actions.

DOD Has Developed But Not Yet Implemented a Departmentwide
Information Security Program

As stated in our executive guide on information security
management,12 a well-designed and well-managed information
security program with senior-level support is essential for
ensuring that an agency's controls are, and continue to be,
appropriate and effective. The program should establish a process
and assign responsibilities for systematically (1) assessing risk,
(2) developing and implementing effective security policies and
related control techniques, (3) promoting user awareness of
security issues, (4) monitoring the appropriateness and
effectiveness of these policies and techniques, and (5) providing
feedback to managers who may then make needed adjustments. It
should also establish a central management focal point for
information security. This focal point functions as a facilitator 
and a conduit for information. It may also be a central resource 
for activities such as security training. Such a program can 
provide senior officials a means of managing information security 
risks and the related costs rather than just reacting to individual

//12 Information Security Management: Learning From Leading
Organizations (GAO/AIMD-98-68, May 1998).

In 1996, we reported that DOD lacked a departmentwide information 
security program to comprehensively address the general control 
weaknesses we had identified. We made a number of recommendations
related to establishing such a program. DOD agreed with our
recommendations and issued plans for the Defense- wide Information
Assurance Program (DIAP), which is to provide the framework for a
comprehensive information security program. It is too early to
assess when, whether, or how effectively the provisions of the
DIAP management and implementation plans will be implemented and
coordinated with other related efforts or whether the DIAP will
ultimately succeed in ensuring adequate information security 
throughout DOD. 

Earlier Recommendations for Establishing a Departmentwide Information
Security Program

The 10 recommendations in our September 1996 report to the
Secretary of Defense, the DISA Director, and the CIOs of the
military departments and other Defense agencies were aimed at
empowering the DOD CIO to establish a comprehensive,
departmentwide information security program;  ensuring that
security programs of the military departments and Defense agencies 
are consistent with the department program; and periodically 
reporting on progress in improving controls over information security.

DOD concurred with these recommendations and committed to
resolving the issues and implementing the recommendations. The
department has reported that corrective actions are in progress
for each of these recommendations. The full text of the 
recommendations appears in appendix I.

Departmentwide Information Security Program Being Developed

At the time of our current review, DOD was developing but had not
yet implemented a departmentwide security program in response to
the recommendations in our earlier reports. On January 30, 1998,
the Deputy Secretary of Defense approved the Defense- wide
Information Assurance Program (DIAP) and distributed a DIAP
management plan to senior DOD officials. The Implementation Plan
for the DIAP, which was finalized on February 12, 1999, describes 
at a high level the program's goals, objectives, and organizational
structure. DIAP staff will be responsible for creating a DIAP 
concept of operations to address the program's operational 
structure and processes. The program is still being staffed.

The DIAP integrates component information assurance (IA)
activities into a single program under the DOD CIO, combining
centralized oversight with decentralized execution. The DIAP staff
will carry out the planning, programming, budgeting, and review of
all IA activities throughout DOD. All IA investments and
expenditures will be reported as part of the DIAP budget beginning
in fiscal year 2000. DOD components will be responsible for
carrying out their portions of the DIAP annual plan and for
reporting on their activities to the Director of Information
Assurance, who in turn reports to the DOD CIO.

DIAP planning documents, which incorporate at a high level most of
the best practices associated with successful information security
management, indicate that DOD recognizes and is attempting to establish
the departmentwide management structure needed to manage the
complex information security risks associated with its heavy
reliance on interconnected computer systems. For example, because
the DIAP is an integrated program under the DOD CIO, it provides a
central focal point for identifying risks affecting multiple
Defense components and coordinating the selection, funding, and
implementation of appropriate mitigating controls.

The DIAP also establishes a Senior DIAP Steering Group composed of
representatives from the services, Joint Staff, National Security
Agency, and DISA. Thus, it involves senior management officials
responsible for mission- related operations and assets as well as
technical security specialists to help ensure that the related
information security risks are fully understood and that an 
appropriate level of resources is provided to mitigate them.

DIAP plans call for development of performance measures and an
annual IA operational assessment, both prerequisites for effective
feedback and reporting. They also call for an annual review of
DIAP goals and related service and Defense agency plans, which is
important to identify new risks, threats, and countermeasures to
ensure that controls remain appropriate and effective. As DOD
develops operating policies and procedures to support the DIAP, 
it can draw upon the existing information security guidance and 
best practices being used by other organizations, which define 
basic elements needed to provide effective feedback on information 
security controls. For example, our Federal Information System 
Controls Audit Manual defines information system control objectives
and provides a framework for assessing the effectiveness of those controls.
Similarly, DISA's SRR and STIG compliance process provides a model
for testing to determine if controls are functioning as intended,
monitoring compliance, and tracking and reporting weaknesses
identified during testing for resolution and review by senior

In December 1998, a newly-created Joint Task Force for Computer
Network Defense began coordinating and directing the defense of
DOD computer systems and networks against strategic attack. Its
functions include (1) situation monitoring and assessment, (2)
directing DOD actions to stop attacks, contain damage, restore
functionality, and provide feedback to users, (3) coordinating 
DOD defensive actions with other government agencies and private 
organizations as appropriate, (4) participation in joint training 
exercises, and (5) development of contingency plans and techniques.

The Joint Task Force supports the DIAP by providing the monitoring
tools to identify hostile attacks to DOD systems through its
networks. However, the DIAP does not yet adequately address the
vulnerabilities that make such attacks possible or the threats to 
information security that cannot be detected through network 
monitoring. The latter include (1) environmental threats, such as 
natural disasters or accidents, (2) the unauthorized activities 
(such as espionage, sabotage, or embezzlement) of authorized users, 
programmers, or terminated employees who still have system access 
due to lax security management, and (3) data loss or corruption 
following a service interruption, due to poor back-up and 
contingency planning.

DOD believes the DIAP and task force initiatives will address the
computer control weaknesses noted in our previous reports and our
current review. However, it is too early to determine how the
provisions in the DIAP plans will be implemented or how the Joint
Task Force and other operational efforts yet to be developed will
be coordinated with it. Thus, we were unable to assess whether
these efforts will ultimately be successful in ensuring adequate 
information security throughout DOD. We will monitor the 
implementation of the DIAP as part of our oversight of DOD 
information security.


Departmentwide, DOD has made limited progress in
correcting the general control weaknesses we reported in 1996. As
a result, these weaknesses persist across every area of general
controls. However, DISA has developed technical standards and is
implementing a Security Readiness Review process that provides a
model for information security management throughout its DMCs.
DISA has not fully implemented this information security program
and still needs to address certain shortcomings. Specifically, the
quality of data in its SRR database could be improved through more 
timely independent verification of corrective actions by the 
DMCs or other parties. The DIAP implementation plan provides the 
framework for a departmentwide information security program. 
However, because DOD has not yet implemented DIAP, we cannot yet
determine whether it will ultimately succeed in ensuring adequate
security throughout the department. Close coordination between 
the DIAP, the Joint Task Force, and other operational efforts will 
be crucial to comprehensively addressing DOD's information 
security weaknesses. DISA's program and other models for 
information security management offer approaches that DOD could
adapt and integrate into its departmentwide program.
Recommendations In addition to reaffirming the recommendations in
our 1996 reports, we recommend that, to realize the full potential 
and maximize the effectiveness of DISA's security oversight program,
the DIAP, and other DOD IA initiatives, the Secretary of Defense 
take the following actions.

Direct the DISA Director to expand the Security Readiness Review
process to include timely and independent verification of the
corrective actions reported by DMCs or other responsible parties.

Direct the DOD CIO to ensure that the Defense-wide Information
Assurance Program defines how its efforts will be coordinated with
the Joint Task Force and other related initiatives.

Agency Comments and Our Evaluation

DOD officials generally concurred with the report and our
recommendations, noting that this report adds credence to efforts
to heighten awareness within the DOD community of the serious
risks that accompany poor security practices in information systems.
They stated that the department is actively working to correct the
deficiencies cited in the report and that they believe it is
making progress in reducing the risks to its information systems.
They also noted that the task is large and many corrective actions
are underway, and affirmed that the continued development of the
DIAP and other efforts will strengthen the department's
information security posture.

With regard to our recommendation concerning DISA's verification
of corrective actions, DOD officials acknowledged problems with
the accuracy of reported fixes at Defense Megacenters. They
advised us that DISA has since modified its procedures to include
a specific check of the validity of entries made on previously
documented Security Readiness Reviews. According to DISA, the
revised procedures call for incorrect entries and repeat findings
to be noted as serious concerns to DMC facility directors.

Regarding our recommendation concerning coordination of the DIAP
with the Joint Task Force and related initiatives, DOD officials
affirmed that the DIAP and other initiatives in the department
such as the Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense (JTF-
CND) will address the computer control weaknesses cited in our
report and recognized that efforts must be coordinated between the
DIAP and those other initiatives. They pointed out that the DIAP
has established close working relationships with the military
services, agencies, Joint Staff, and other elements within DOD,
including the newly established JTF- CND. They noted that an
implementation plan is being prepared that aligns JTF-CND under
the Commander-in-Chief, United States Space Command, and that the
DIAP has participated in the working groups to create this plan.
Lastly, they referred to two other DOD initiatives assessing (1)
the threat to information systems posed by insiders and (2) the
training of DOD information technology employees. They noted that
these studies are expected to result in recommendations related to the training of
system administrators and the controls over their access to
information systems that, when implemented, should yield
significant improvements to the security of DOD information
systems. This report contains recommendations to you. The head of
a federal agency is required by 31 U. S. C. 720 to submit a written
statement on actions taken on these recommendations to the Senate
Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on
Government Reform within 60 days of the date of this report. You
must also send a written statement to the House and Senate
Committees on Appropriations with the agencies' first request for
appropriations made over 60 days after the date of this report.

We are sending copies of this report to Senator Fred Thompson,
Senator Joseph Lieberman, Representative Floyd Spence,
Representative Ike Skelton, Representative Dan Burton,
Representative Henry A. Waxman, Representative C. W. Bill Young, and Representative John P. Murtha
in their capacities as Chair or Ranking Minority Member of Senate
and House Committees and Subcommittees. We are also sending copies
of this report to Mr. Arthur L. Money, Senior Civilian Official
for the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Command,
Control, Communications and Intelligence) and DOD Chief
Information Officer, and Lieutenant General David J. Kelley,
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency. Copies will also be
made available to others upon request.

If you or your office have any questions concerning this report,
please contact me or Les Thompson, Assistant Director, at (202)
512-3789. Individuals making key contributions to this report are
listed in appendix II.

Sincerely yours, Robert F. Dacey Director, Consolidated Audit and
Computer Security Issues



CDA Central Design Activity 
CIO Chief Information Officer 
DFAS Defense Finance and Accounting Service 
DIAP Defense-wide Information Assurance Program 
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency 
DLA Defense Logistics Agency 
DMC Defense Megacenter 
DOD Department of Defense 
IA information assurance 
JTF-CND Joint Task Force for Computer Network Defense 
SA Security Administor 
SRR Security Readiness Review 
STIG Security Technical Implementation Guide


Appendix I Recommendations Made in GAO/AIMD-96-144

DOD has reported that corrective actions are in progress for each
of the recommendations below. While none are fully completed, DOD
believes that its corrective actions will address all of our
primarily through the DIAP. As noted in this report, it is too
early to determine how the provisions in the DIAP will be
implemented and, thus, whether these corrective actions will
effectively address our recommendations.

I. We recommend that the Secretary of Defense assign clear
responsibility and accountability within the Office of the
Secretary of Defense, the military services, and the Defense
agencies for ensuring the successful implementation of an
information security program that includes, for example,
departmentwide policies for preventing, detecting, and responding
to hacker attacks on Defense information systems.

II. We further recommend that you direct the DOD CIO to develop and
implement a comprehensive DOD- wide computer security management
program that includes the hacker prevention policies we previously
recommended as well as
establishing a risk- based control program to assess computer
security in DOD computer systems,  developing and implementing
effective security policies and related control techniques, and
reporting to DOD managers on security issues impacting their
information processing systems. 

III. We also recommend that you
direct the Deputy Secretary of Defense to ensure that the duties
established for the military departments' and Defense agencies'
CIOs include reporting on ongoing computer security efforts and
activities to the DOD CIO for review, assessment, and appropriate
action to ensure proper coordination and an integrated information
technology structure within the Department.

IV. Further, you should direct the DOD CIO to review and assess the
specific deficiencies noted and establish a process to address

V. In addition, we recommend that the DISA Director, the CIOs
of the military departments, and the CIOs of the other Defense
agencies submit their policies and procedures to improve general
computer controls to the DOD CIO for review, assessment,
and appropriate action to ensure a comprehensive security approach
is operational throughout the Department. Such policies and
procedures should  limit computer system access authorizations to
only those who need access to perform their work responsibilities,
and are periodically reviewed to ensure their continued need;
require sensitive data files and critical production programs to
be identified and successful and unsuccessful access to them to be
strengthen security software standards in critical areas, such as
by preventing the reuse of passwords and ensuring that security
software is implemented and maintained in accordance with the
control physical security at computer facilities; and  provide
for completing and testing disaster recovery plans.

VI. To ensure that general computer controls are improved at the
DMCs, we recommend that the DOD CIO direct the DISA Director to
develop and implement a comprehensive computer security program at
the DMCs, consistent with the DOD- wide program, that includes the
elements outlined in this report. These elements encompass
policies and procedures to ensure that access to DMC computer
facilities is appropriately granted and periodically reviewed,
clearly defined roles and responsibilities of DMC employees,
information system security officers, and security managers, and
security oversight at each DMC to monitor, measure, test, and
report on the ongoing effectiveness of computer system, network,
and process controls. 

VII. In addition, we recommend that the CIOs of the military 
departments and the Defense agencies submit plans for coordinating
with DISA to improve computer controls affecting DMC operations to
the DOD CIO for review, assessment, and appropriate actions.
Greater cooperation is necessary, for example, to
determine who is given access to computer systems applications,
identify critical computer systems applications to be covered by
disaster recovery plans, and  ensure that locally designed
software application program changes are in accordance with
prescribed policies and procedures.

VIII. Also, the DISA Director and the CIOs of the military
departments and Defense agencies should provide their plans to the
DOD CIO, for review, assessment, and appropriate action to ensure
that computer system security reviews are performed as part of
future transfers of computer systems to the DMCs.

IX. Further, the DOD CIO should monitor implementation of those
plans. X Finally, to strengthen DOD's computer security program in
a coordinated and timely manner, we recommend that you
direct the DOD CIO to monitor and to periodically report on the
status of the actions taken to improve computer security
throughout DOD and  ensure that the DOD CIO has the necessary
authority to ensure that there are adequate computer security
controls throughout DOD, including the military departments and
Defense agencies.


Appendix II GAO Contacts and Staff Acknowledgements

GAO Contacts C. Les Thompson, (202) 512- 3789 Robert F. Dacey,
(202) 512- 3317

Acknowledgments In addition to those named above, Sharon Kittrell,
Jean Boltz, Edward Glagola, Linda Sellevaag, Gary Austin, and
Walter Opaska made key contributions to this report.


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128, September 9, 1997). 

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